Opus Journal, a leading provider of academic publishing solutions, has announced the launch of its new company in London, UK. The company, which has been operating in the Balkans for several years, has decided to expand its operations to Europe in order to better serve its growing customer base.

The new company, which will be known as Opus Journal Limited, will be based in the heart of London’s. It will offer the same high-quality academic publishing solutions that Opus Journal is known for, but with a focus on European markets.

According to the company’s CEO, the decision to expand to Europe was driven by the increasing demand for academic publishing solutions in the region. “We have seen a significant increase in the number of European academic institutions using our services in recent years,” he said. “By establishing a presence in London, we will be able to better serve these institutions and provide them with the timely and accurate solutions they need to publish their research and academic works.”

The company’s CEO is confident that Opus Journal Limited will be well-positioned to meet this demand. “We are excited to be launching our new company in London,” he said. “We believe that our combination of deep industry expertise, cutting-edge technology, and commitment to customer service will enable us to provide our clients with the solutions they need to succeed in today’s complex academic publishing landscape.”

Overall, the launch of Opus Journal Limited is a significant milestone for the company and a testament to its commitment to serving the needs of its clients around the world. With its experienced team, innovative products and services, and focus on customer service, the company is well-positioned to become a leading provider of academic publishing solutions in Europe.