robust self-serve tool

Publishing with unique simplicity

One platform that “just work”


Effortless submission

Delight your journal's authors with simple and intuitive submission process while collecting all data you need in structured form.


Streamlined peer-review

You can set custom workflows for editorial and reviewers teams to automate, secure and optimize peer - review operations.


Multi-format publication

Laverage Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Machine Learning (ML) functionalities in your content production.

exceptional articles, not frustrating issues

Peer review system

Turn author experience into a competitive advantage by leveraging streamlined author processes

Impress and captivate authors and make content discovery and exploration effortless.

Provide an exceptional submission experience to delight and retain authors.

Gather comprehensive and standardized metadata on researchers, organizations, and funders.

Keep authors regularly updated and informed throughout the publishing process.

as much flexibility as you require


Implement adaptable publishing processes to improve efficiency and streamline operations

Implement and ensure compliance with taxonomies, best publishing practices & persistent identifiers.

Customize workflows to cater to your unique content and editorial requirements.

Streamlined reviewer experience to enhance reviewer engagement and foster stronger relationships.

Tailor editorial cascades and peer-review options to ensure timely decisions on author submissions.

Journal is about the people

Visibility and Indexing

Reinforce and amplify the value of authors’ work by showing the impact of their research output

Understand that the relationship between author and publisher extends beyond the publication of research.

Real-time metrics reporting provides an immediate and comprehensive view of the impact of research.

Integrated with the CrossRef Cited-by service to provide benefits of increased visibility & citation tracking.

Ensures technical compliance with all mandated open-access publishing requirements.

Give authors the freedom to deliver their impactful research through your publishing.

Facilitate & Expand your audience


Extend the omni-format content capabilities of you journals by supporting “semi-structured content”

The publishing platform is a powerful enabler of a journal’s growth, especially for enticing and retaining authors.

Opus supports “semi-structured content” such as blogs, commercial or sponsored content, marketing pieces, news, etc.

Create cohesive stories for downstream channel delivery by using the feature-rich WYSIWYG editor.

Provide your content with an unparalleled publishing experience, and display features that ensure high-quality presentation.

Track and analyze


We included most valuable tracking systems

Monitor your journal using statistics:

  • PlumX Metrics
  • Dimensions badge
  • Views count
  • Downloads count
  • Google analytics
    • Demographics
    • Audience
    • Real time tracking

Opus Journal Arhitecture


Escape the terrible price of Free

Take advantage of Opus

Empower your editors to help maximize the value of your authors work.