1. Challenge:

The biomedical journal faced several challenges before migrating to the Opus Journal platform:

  • Outdated Website & Identity: The journal struggled with an outdated online presence lacking a distinctive identity, hindering its appeal to both authors and readers.
  • Lack of Peer Review System: Managing submissions and peer reviews was labor-intensive, leading to delays and inefficiencies in the publication process.
  • Lack of Integration & Metrics: The absence of integrated metrics, DOI registration, and cross-referencing tools limited the journal’s impact and accessibility in the academic community.
  • Editorial Overload: Editors faced a high workload due to manual processes, impacting the quality and timeliness of published content.

2. Solution:

The migration to the Opus Journal platform provided a comprehensive solution:

  • New Journal Identity: A refreshed, branded identity was crafted, offering a modern and inviting interface that improved user engagement.
  • Feature-Rich Platform: Leveraging Opus Journal’s suite of tools, the journal implemented a robust peer review system, efficient CMS, and seamless integration with DOI registration, Crossref, TrendMD indexing, and metrics like Metrix/Citation.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Automation features reduced the burden on editors, enabling them to focus on content quality rather than administrative tasks. References and Crossref imports simplified data handling.

3. Result:

The migration to Opus Journal delivered remarkable results:

  • Increased Visibility: The biomedical journal experienced a 48% surge in visibility owing to the revamped website, attracting more readers and researchers.
  • Author & Submission Growth: With a user-friendly interface and streamlined processes, the journal witnessed a substantial increase of 27% more authors and a staggering 64% rise in submissions.
  • Editorial Efficiency: Editors experienced a remarkable 57% reduction in workload, thanks to automation and streamlined processes. This led to improved content quality and faster publication cycles.
  • Simplified DOI Registration: The process of DOI registration, once laborious, was now simplified with just a few clicks, enhancing the credibility and accessibility of published works.